by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL USA)

Behold, I Am Coming Quickly...(Rev 22:12)

Behold, I Am Coming Quickly...(Rev 22:12)

The internet, whether true or false, is chunked full of predictions, concerning the soon return of Christ, and the end of government, as we know it. The scripture, however, makes it very clear that no one knows the time or the hour of His return, not even Christ Himself, as only the Father God knows (Mark 13:32) (Matthew 24:36). And the scripture also gives a warning on setting dates(Acts 1:6-7) (2 Thess2:2-3) .

I once heard an "ole time religion" preacher say if he was God and someone guessed when He was coming back, He (God) would just change the date for the fun of it. Rather gross comment, but a lot of theology I suppose.

So, has the United States seen its last president elected by a free election? And what about the rest of the world, as the voice of the people goes? This is just one of those "GOK" (God Only Knows) questions, We are to just watch and be ready (Matthew 24:42). We are, however, given a number of signs to watch for (Matthew 24:3-51).

Since its inception the US has been considered an influential nation. But is this changing? One need only tune into the world of current events, to get a glimpse of the future.

Throughout the entire world we see terrorists, riots and escalating crime and evil, increased illegal drug active, AIDS and other epidemics, an economic downturn, nuclear threats from radical nations, political corruption, gross miscarriage of justice by the courts, welfare abuse, increasing taxes, pornography and sickening immorality, unusual global disasters, radical "special interest" groups, the abortion crisis, a wanton disregard for God's laws, and the list goes on-and-on.

It seems that if any particular faction of society doesn't get their way, they take to the streets. In (2 Timothy 3:1-4 ) we see this type ungodly conduct happening, as it reflects the last days, as we know them to be. And as the Lords return draws nearer these characteristics will intensify (1 Timothy 41-5), with mass corruption by a breakdown of law and Christian tradition (2 Timothy 3:13) .

And in order to bring this chaos under control, there could possibly be a backlash, from the US citizenry, prompted by the main stream news media, to stop this outbreak of corrupt lawlessness, civil immorality, permissiveness injustice, poverty, and ineffective political leaders, by demanding that the government enact certain martial laws to be rigidly enforced. Thus, the end of our democracy, as we know it.

Yes, the world is ripe for a false hope. Enter the antichrist and his minion the false prophet. We have been waiting for over 2000 years for this prophesied pair to arrive. And it looks as if their arrival is much closer than most even suspect.

Shortly after the true believers are taken out of this world (1 Cor 15:51-54) (1 Thess 4:13-18) (1 Thess 5:1-3) (Rev 4:1), and the Holy Spirit is withdrawn from earth (2 Thess 2:6-7). the antichrist and the false prophet will appear on the scene. This can only happen when the church, all true believers in Jesus Christ is removed. This is because the Holy Spirit lives within each believer. When the church leaves the earth at the rapture, the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way (Genesis 6:3).

These two leaders will come to power under Satan's approval and authority to deceive the world and enslave them into worshipping Satan as God. The first beast, known as the Antichrist (Revelation 13:1-10), will come acting like he is God, and the second beast, the false religious leader (Revelation 13:11-18), will declare the first one is God and force the world to worship the Antichrist.

This changing of the guard, so to speak, will user in the seven year tribulation period, followed by the return of Christ and His thousand year reign on the earth, then the new heaven and the new earth for all eternity. When this seven year tribulation period does occur, there will be no need for government elections. Thus, no more US presidents.

I realize that our current mindset, is against any type divine intervention (2 Peter 3:4). But as surely as God's creation did occur (2 Peter 3:5), so will His return be. God's delay, in my opinion, is so that more people will repent (2 Peter 3:8-9), and the full number of Gentiles will be saved (Romans 12:25).(Acts 15:14). God is in no hurry (2 Peter 3:10).

I am a firm believer that we true Christians (Philippians 1:21) will not be present during the tribulation period. However, if we do suffer a part, or all of the tribulation, we should be sure to test every spirit (2 Timothy 2:15) (Acts 17:11), follow the truths of Jesus (John 7:17) and hold close our faith (John15:5).

Author's Post Script
Although prophecy constitutes a large portion of both the Old and New Testaments, its importance is constantly downplayed by those who dismiss it as having no practical significance in today's world. If prophecy is properly taught, there is no reason for it to divert anyone's attention away from Jesus. In fact, it should serve to emphasize the centrality of Jesus.

Is prophecy practical? Consider that all the New Testament writers testify to the fact that living with the anticipation of the Lord's return will motivate holy living. What could be more practical than that? Here are some examples, (Romans 13:12-14) (1 Peter 4:7-11) (1 John 3:2-3)

Thus, I trust this brief prophecy synopsis has peeked your interest in scripture, and that you will continue to dig deep in God's Word. Especially prophecy. God is a God of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). In fact, roughly two-thirds of God's word is related to it. So, have at it, and enjoy it (Psalm 119:105).

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