A Promise to Those Who Read the Bible

by Jim Fryer
(Cincinnati, OH USA)

Psalm 119:130; Rev 1:3

Introduction: What promises do you use to guide your life? What promises do you stand on to win in this life? What promises do you claim in situations that are beyond your ability to handle? What promises do you use in your prayer life? Today we are going to look at one of the promises in the Bible that we can all claim. Read the Bible and be blessed!

I. Old Testament Saints read it.

  1. Kings were to read it. Deut 17:18-20

  2. Military leaders were to read it. Joshua 8:35

  3. Religious leaders were to read it. Neh 8:18

  4. OT believers were to read it. Job 23:12

  5. David read it. Psalm 119:103

  6. Isaiah read it. Isaiah 34:16

  7. Jeremiah read it. Jeremiah 15:16

II. Jesus assumes that we read it.

Have you not read...

Matthew 12:3,5; Matthew 19:4; 22:31; Mark 12:10; 26; Luke 6:3

III. The New Testament tells us to read it.

Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:27; 1 Timothy 4:13

IV. We are blessed by God when we read it.
  1. Revelation 1:3

  2. This is the promise to live by.

    Who wants it?


It is a sin NOT to read the Bible. More spiritual problems are caused by not reading the Bible than any other omission in the Christian life.

It is a problem easily remedied.

  1. Admit you are sinning when you don't read it.

  2. Begin reading the Bible today and set a specific time to do so.

  3. Consistently read the Bible every day.

Comments for A Promise to Those Who Read the Bible

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Great Sermon
by: Mark Hollingsworth

The Word of God is so important. Everything depends on it. I'm sure most preachers, including me, encouraged their people to vote for Biblical Principles this election year (2008) and not for any other reason. That will keep us straight, won't it? Thanks Jim for the great sermon.

Thanks Jim
by: Michael Elder

Enjoyed that message very much.

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