Be Glad to be the Lad

by Sangeetha Arun Singh
(Bangalore, India)

Based on Mark 6:30-44. Learning to trust the Lord with the little we have can indeed unfold a miracle.

Be Glad to be the LAD

With the twelve by His side, he got onto a boat,
To head to a place where no one could take note
They (people) got ahead of Him for the Messiah they had found.
He would never say “NO” to have them around.

With Love, Joy, Peace and Patience He catered to their quest,
When the gentleness and kindness of his disciples were put to test.
“Let’s send them Home my Master; we seldom have the means,
To feed these hungry men –
there are at least five thousand from what we’ve seen!”

Adding humor to the event, the Lord tells the twelve
“Give them something to eat” – ha! HE just knew them too well!
They looked around the place to see if they could find
While in their hearts they thought – ‘the Lord’s gone off HIS mind!’

A little lad stood by with a basket that had less yet lot,
Five loaves and two fishes was all that he had bought.
From the lad to the Lord as the basket was rolled
In amazement they watched a miracle unfold.

To thank the Almighty, the Lord did kneel
He blessed and fed all thousands with that little meal.
They ate as much as they could for it was a tasty treat
Yet twelve baskets of food remained – they simply couldn’t complete.

Is there something you are holding back, not letting go of it?
Do you feel it’s way too little – just a wee-bit?
Try rolling it to the Lord – He’ll bless and multiply
A hundred fold He’ll give you – for He’s the El-Shaddai.

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