Christmas Is All About You

by Susan Nikitenko

Christmas Is All About You

Christmas Is Nothing Without Jesus:
Empty and vain is the fun.
There is not any eternal reason;
Without the birth of God's only Son.

May this be the song of our hearts dear Lord;
So those that are searching will find.
To make it all about you dear Lord;
May this be the goal in mind.

Though we enjoy the good times of Christmas;
Whatever's not in faith is sin.
When we deck the halls and trim our trees;
Dedicate each purpose to Him;
And let this be our song to Him.

Christmas is all about you, Dear Jesus;
Christmas is all about you.
How sweet the sound of each carol we sing;
Because it's all about you.

Not packages, not pretty bows, owe no!
Not iced cookies with sprinkles.
The day you were born, Gods promise was born;
One of Your great miracles.

Not sparkling trees, though we enjoy these;
Not tinsels or decking the halls.
You, Our redeemer , were born to change the world;
And to redeem those who call.

Not building a snowman on Christmas day;
Not playing with brand new toys.
But it's all about your love coming down to man;
For you are our Christmas Joy.

Though We Enjoy The Good Times of Christmas;
Whatever's not in faith is sin.
When we deck the halls and trim our trees;
Dedicate each purpose to Him;
And let this be our song to Him.

Christmas is all about you, Dear Jesus;
Christmas is all about you.
How moving the pageants and Christmas plays;
Because It's all about you.

Some have many fond memories of childhood;
Though there are some that have none.
Jesus you are the fulfillment of great need;
Let our hands be your hands to one.

Christmas is not about getting but giving;
Lord, direct our giving hands.
It's all about pleasing you, dear Jesus;
And reaching both here and foreign lands.

To us.....

Christmas is all about you, Dear Jesus;
Christmas is all about you.
Giving to others of your love and life;
Because it's all about you.

By: Susan Y Nikitenko
December 2nd, 2011
Rewritten December 4th, 2011

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