Dear Child

Dear Child, I adore you, I have made you in my image, perfected each piece of who you are. you're beautiful. I walk right beside you everyday, whether you are at school, at work. My love for you will never fade, I look down at you with compassion. I grow so jealous when you find other things to do instead of spending time with me. I softly call and wait for you. At times you step away, still I am close to you. when sin captures your heart.I'm never far. I'm near you. I wait for your response, to turn towards me and cry out "Forgive me LORD"! My desire is to forgive you, to bless you and give a new beginning. My mercy is great, it will never shift, I payed the highest price for you, to give you life and give it to the fullest. My peace is nothing like the world gives you. Each time you smile, I rejoice. Each time you praise my name, my heart melts. I am your loving father who seeks a true relationship with you. I don't care of what you've done, your past was delt with on the cross. You are forgiven and washed clean. I see your heart, I know your thoughts, my heart breaks each time you run, each time you hurt, I feel it all. I feed all the heavenly birds, and hold the heavens with my own hand. Imagine how much more you mean to me. I made you for one purpose, to simply stay with me. Even when you turn away, nothing will make me love you less. I want to heal your broken heart and bring you pure joy. Don't run, but come and taste my goodness. I wait for you to talk to me.
Love, Jesus.

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