Food for Thought

by Jacob H. Lambrecht
(Kiowa, Colorado)

As we look back on the days that we've lived,
time has passed by like water through a sieve.
Regrets may come, pondering what's to come,
did we live rough, and have to much fun?
Were we too serious and let life slip by?
as the days pass within the blink of an eye.
Did you stay true to your Father and friend?
Where will you go when you've reached the end?
Was life a gift, did you give it away?
When you stand there, what will God say?
Were you a teacher, were you a friend?
Where did it take you when you rounded the bend?
Did you cherish life and help those in need?
Was Christ's life in vain as you watched Him bleed?
Did you use what He gave and gave back to those,
your family and friends, only God knows!
Listen to me carefully, dear friend will you heed?
As our Savior promised, you 've had all you need.
He's provided to you all the days you've had.
If you 've wasted life, now won't you be sad?
Friend, take my warning and listen to the call,
each day is a gift, that God's given us all.

Comments for Food for Thought

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Nov 05, 2011
Yes, Great Food for Thought!
by: Dr. J. Mark Hollingsworth ( Owner/Editor)

Jacob, great poem. I loved it and it really does make me job well done! Thanks for sharing it with us. I know it will be used often by preachers and teachers to illustrate the truths of God's Word. And many will meditate on it just for personal, spiritual enrichment. Thanks again, Mark.

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