For my Brothers and Sisters

by James Ralston
(Gainesville, FL)

For my brothers and sisters in Christ who feel a spiritual warfare in their every day lives, praise be to God. For they are as Paul states "Baptized in Christ". I feel sorry for the ones who don't or can't feel the battle. How can they be at the front lines of spiritual warfare and not feel the battle?

For my brothers and sisters in Christ who think following Jesus is very difficult, praise be to God. For they are in a war between their old evil sinful nature, and their new nature. I feel sorry for the ones who think it is easy to follow Jesus, because they have been decieved.

The enemy (the devil) always decieves because he is scared and terrified of what the followers of Christ Jesus can accomplish in His name. The enemy doesn't care about the people in church who just follow christ to church on Sundays, and just sing the songs. Then live their lives as they see fit. for they may never do anything for the glory of God (or won't). The devil puts all the trouble and pain in the path of those who try their best to follow Christ in every way he leads. Praise God, for He will bless those people.

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