by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

When disaster comes by a wicked hand
When world creeds fail to take a stand
When evil authority rises to vastly expand
God is still in command

When all love and hope by others disband
When those around us fail Gods Grace plan
When another gospel they do willingly brand
God is still in command

When earth's immoral ways God does band
When we gather in His heavenly glory land
When we sing praises to the living lamb
God is still in command

When mankind fails God's loyalty demand
When God proclaims deliverance is banned
When all is lost at the judgment grandstand
God is still in command

How long will the living God strive with the evils of mankind, in this old world?

We seem to be living in peerless times, when one misguided spoken phrase could possibly trigger an all out confrontation among nations. Yes, this “Ole World” seems to be on a collision course to nowhere. However, God gives us a big "if", followed by a big "promise."

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 CHRONICLES 7:14)

So, why are we not on our knees begging for our Lord's mercy? Maybe, it's because we have not yet turned from our wicked ways. God's promises have always rung true, throughout eternity. Why not try Him now.

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