God's Absolutes

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

We're living in a changing world
Injustice reigns across the land
Bizarre events seem to be the rule
Godly virtues, are often banned

Simple rules, that should be plain
Are altered by the stroke of a pen
It seems the equation, five and five
Often times, - don't total ten

Absolutes, from God's Word
Many times, - have no place
Unwelcome on society's page
Media often, does not embrace

But changing fads, can not replace
The standards in His Word
He'll never honor immorality
Or permit His plan to be blurred

"In all thy ways acknowledge Him"
Proverbs three: five and six declares
Can there be a better solution
To the world's dilemma and affairs

True peace and contentment
This world will never know
Apart from adherence to it's Author
All other efforts bring pain and woe

When we negate God's absolutes
And choose to select - "my way"
Chaos and pain surely awaits
Judgement looms, at end of day

Colan L Hiatt = 06-08-14
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