God's Love

by Tessa Butorac
(Australia NSW)

God’s Love

Far outweighing the greatest our thoughts could imagine,
Is the depth of God’s love that can’t fully be fathomed.
That He would decide to stand up from His throne,
Depart from the Heavens and make Earth His home.
That of all the great power He ever possessed,
Willingly He surrendered to reside in the flesh.
On a mission to come and fulfil all the decrees,
The only man in existence as pure as pure can be.
Three decades enduring in a world sin entrenched,
Overflowed and compassed with compassion unquenched.
Not wanting that we should go down to the pit,
With a love so strong that to death He would submit.

Foreknowing without this sacrifice that forever we’d be lost,
God becomes a man to breathe His last upon the cross.
The God of all the universe hung there on that tree,
Taking the punishment for sin so that we might all be free.
Pouring out His love and grace on those who don’t deserve,
Goodness and humility mark the King we serve.
Thousands of years passed and the fruit of it still yielding,
Legions of souls saved in a kingdom that’s still building.
He stood for us in battle and in victory overcame the fight,
Delivering us from darkness into everlasting light.
Reconciling us to Himself for the purpose of His pleasure,
Created in His image with a love bound by no measure.

I’m certain He intends to draw us in and then surround,
To overwhelm us with His love and therein for us to drown.
Our thoughts He knows afar off and all the things we’ve done,
Yet of it all He declares to have forgiven us every one.
To us His arms are open and always ready to embrace,
Welcoming us in as He wipes the tears from off our face.
In seeking you’ll find that to God there is no end,
A journey of destinations that only ever extends.
Once I used to wonder how eternally we’d praise,
But now I understand the beauty of His name.
In mercy He redeems and re-writes the sinners story,
One day we’ll fall on bended knee as we behold His glory.

Comments for God's Love

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May 12, 2019
Tess that poem is beautiful
by: Reyce

I think it's beautiful Tess ive read it three times ,miss ya

Oct 01, 2016
Great poem
by: William Gonzalez

Very inspiring poem. I enjoyed it very much. Continue to write and glorify God.

May 29, 2016
by: Tessa

I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback and am glad that you enjoyed the read.

May 26, 2016
Great poem
by: E. Johnson

Really enjoyed this piece, keep up the great work.

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