Hope for Mothers Who Have Failed

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Isaiah 1:2

Introduction: We have all failed. Even if we had been perfect parents, that does not guarantee perfect children. God's grace and mercy are essential for the best of mothers and the worst of mothers.


1. Motherhood is A Divine Institution

It comes from revelation not evolution. See Genesis 3:20 and Exodus 20:12.

2. God Defines the Nature and Responsibilities of Motherhood

They are biblical and not cultural.

(1) Mothers attend to the physical and emotional needs of children Isaiah 49:15; 66:13; I Thessalonians 2:7.

(2) Mothers attend to the moral, spiritual, and social needs of children Proverbs 1:8; 6:20-23; Eph. 6:1-4

3. No Woman is up to the Task of Mothering as God Designed It

Romans 3:23; Luke 17:10; Matthew 5:48. God's standard for salvation and motherhood are so high that grace is needed in both cases.

4. God Makes Motherhood Work for Mothers Who Seek Christ Consistently

Isaiah 1:2. You are not a failure even if your children fail, unless you failed God first. You are responsible for faithfulness to God. I Timothy 3:4 teaches us that you can make your children be in subjection but you cannot make them be in salvation.


1. Communicate Strong Love to Each Child

Failure to do this makes every other parental failure worse.

2. Demonstrate a Proper Reverence for God

3. Discipline Enough so they can Discipline Themselves

Proverbs 29:15 and Hebrews 12:9-11.

4. Do Not Fail to Love Your Husband

Ephesians 5:22-24 and I Peter 3:1-6.

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