I Am He

by Ashley Tagoon
(Hinesville, Ga)

Let one stand to sing and rejoice,
every man has a choice.
Turn away from all our sins,
proclaim victory because God always wins.
He'll walk beside you holding your hand,
God will take you to the promise land.
The strength you stand on because God is the rock,
He is the Shepard that leads his flock.
No man can run, no man can hide,
it's only temporary on the Devil's ride.
The fun and lies get all entwined,
I'm not one who wants to be left behind.
God's only begotten son who paid our cost,
died on a cross to save the lost.
Three days later God's son rose that day,
Jesus is alive and this He did say.
A place I go to prepare for you,
the day I return to bring you back with me too.
In my Fathers house are many mansions,
I call you by name as I raise up champions.
I sit on the throne at the right hand of my Father,
there's no one greater than me, don't look any farther.
Every mouth will confess, everyone bowed on their knee,
that in the name of Jesus, I am the one, I am He

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