Independence Day

(Rome, Georgia USA)

Independence Day

On the fourth day of July-
But are we independent?
Can our nation live a Lie?

We find that sooner or later
There’s a fact that we must learn-
That we are now in trouble
And to God we must return!

From Him came independence!
He’s the one who set us free!
His hand has been upon us,
And from Him came Liberty !

For He has richly blessed us
As the days and years went by!
We’re free to speak and worship
Our Creator from on high!

Now, many have forgotten,
What has made this country strong!
Their losing all their freedom
For their motives are all wrong!

For now they worship Mammon,
And they’ve turned away from God!
They’re led astray by Satan,
And they sit in church and nod!

This nation must awaken,
For the time is drawing nigh,
When He no longer hears us
As for mercy we do cry!

Now we must seek forgiveness
Or prepare to pay the cost!
Without His hadn upon us
Independence will be lost!

John A. Lewis-1977
(As the Spirit led)

My Grandfather wrote this poem with the gift of the Holy Spirit, he wrote over 200 durning his life time and I would like to share this with everyone, this is to be read by anyone but not dupicacted in any manner. My name is Deborah Hamm I thought would be perfect for this week if you would like to use it.

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