
by Yasmine

Searching for God and still
wondering His love
Is He really a God or just
a myth gone?

So I decided to tell Him
I want to see his kingdom
He showed me His presence
while taking my lessons

I realized then that Jesus
is my king
He saved me instead
of leaving me dead

He died for you and me
without believing in the deeds
Even if the world rejected Him
I will still follow Him
Because He is worth it
and will always deserve it

Hungry for righteousness
come and he will take you
from the darkness
His heart brings joy
even to the baby boy

Trusting God when things look bad
Because the God we serve
will always care

People call me Jesus freak
but how can I exist without
believing in a shield?
Do I have the right to witness?
or just be a princess?

I have learned to
love my enemies
even if they kill my family
Turn to God and He will give you a heart
His spirit will give you light

Learn from Him and you will
be able to give and forgive
I can't finish
the poem because
He's too awesome

By His grace I will always praise
And still I will sing Jesus is my king!

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