Keep The Spring In Your Step

by Susan Y Nikitenko
( Ohio)

Springtime is just around the corner;
The birds are singing, hurray!
The days are growing longer now;
The flowers are on their way.

There is something about the Spring;
That brings refreshment and glee.
Everything is vibrant and alive;
As far as the eye can see.

God's grand and wonderful creation;
Gives us a new song to sing.
As we look up into the clouds;
And know God's made everything.

Like the colorful tulips in bloom;
Let our love come shinin' through.
'Cause if Jesus is our number one
It will show in all we do.

Keep singin' joyfully in song;
And keep the spring in your step.
Because Springtime is beautiful;
And so is a heart well kept.

Springtime has unnumbered treasures:
As does God's inspired Word.
Let our hearts be filled with revival;
Like the life in Springtime stirs.

Busy like a butterfly in flight;
Faithful like the birds that sing.
Let our hearts keep learning more of Him;
Faithful to our Lord and King.

Keep singin' joyfully in song;
And keep the Spring in your step.
Because Springtime is beautiful;
And so is a heart well kept.

Susan Y Nikitenko
March 10th, 2012

This Poem Is Meant To Be An Encouragement To Myself
And Others, It Is A Reminder To Remain Positive And Hopeful In The Lord. It Is A Call To Revival And Renwal In Our Faithfulness To God.

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