by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or.97027 America)

God is Love, Love is God,
No matter how you say it.
Truth lives here, Keep it near,
Known as the Holy Spirit.
His lights on, Hope your home,
He's helping all who pray.
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.

Jesus died, Many cried,
And some who will never care.
That was me, Wild and free,
Just a burnout with despair.
Lightening struck, Crazy luck,
I knew right then to pray,
Lord Jesus changed my life right here ON THIS DAY.

Jesus said, To repent,
From all the wrong we have done.
Thinking back, Down life's track,
God's plan is for everyone.
His lights on, Come along,
Old Satan wants you to stray,
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.

Comments for ON THIS DAY

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Apr 07, 2024
God Is Love
by: A minister from the streets of Portland ORAnonymous

God is Love, Love is God,
No matter how you say it.
Truth lives here; keep it near,
Known as the Holy Spirit.
His lights are on. Hope you're home,
He's helping all who pray.
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.

Jesus died, Many cried,
And some who will never care.
That was me, Wild and free,
Just a burnout with despair.
Lightening struck, Crazy luck,
I knew right then to pray,
Lord Jesus changed my life right here ON THIS DAY.

Jesus said, To repent,
From all the wrong we have done.
Thinking back, Down life's track,
God's plan is for everyone.
His lights on, Come along,
Old Satan wants you to stray,
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.
Let Jesus change your life right here ON THIS DAY.

Jul 05, 2015
Right to the Point!
by: Mark

Thanks Samuel, what a wonder little poem that hits the nail on the head.
Mark (preachology.com)

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