by John R Ecob
(Herald of Hope - Australia)

 John Ecob

John Ecob

St Vincent de Paul can have them all
The clothes left lying just where they fall
But the saints will be clothed in garments white
As they enter their rest and end their fight

The Smith Family too will have enough
To clothe the poor when things get tough:
But the very best of clothes on earth,
To the raptured saints have lost their worth

In heaven with Christ in shining white
We'll see His face with great delight
We'll be changed to His likeness - eternal bliss!
No garments on earth could compare with this

My friend without Christ, have you thought of the fact
That time is now short, and you need now to act?
Take Christ as your Saviour, before it's too late.
The clothes of the Christians will spell out your fate.

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