Our Shepherd

by William Gonzalez
(Harvard Illinois United States)

He is the way, the truth and the life,
So rid your mind of all evil and strife.

No man cometh to the father but by him.
So have faith and forget earthly things that are grim.

He will never leave you confortless in your time of need.
Pray for faith and he'll grant it indeed.

Though we walk through the valley of death we should fear no evil.
For fearing Satan makes you weak and feeble.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.
Who rules the universe with his staff and rod.

Comments for Our Shepherd

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Mar 13, 2015
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your poem. It was just what I needed, having gone through a difficult time recently. Bless you, my friend, as you share an encouraging word from our Lord.

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