String of Pearls

by Sangeetha Martin
(Bangalore, India)

I stood at the entrance of a Glorious Land waiting to be welcomed in,
I saw my Savior Stretch out His Hand and draw me close to Him.
“Pa, am I home at last, I meekly asked, “I’ve come a long, long way”.
“Yes my child, this is the place where forever you would stay”

“Have I fought a good fight? Have I won the race?”
I pleaded with the Father, to make sure I deserved that place.
A Complimentary word I awaited from Him, for the kind of life I led,
A hug, a smile a warm embrace is what I got instead!

As He ruffled my hair I heard Him summon an Angel to His side.
In an unknown language and a royal gesture, with the Cherub He did confide.
The Messenger was out for just a second and then I saw him appear,
He held out a string of pearls and said, “This is for you my dear”.

In awe I looked at those dazzling beads for they were of a different kind.
I went up to the Lord and said, “I have one question in mind,

When there’s ruby and diamond and silver and gold all around my ‘El-Shaddai’
A string of pearls was chosen for me, is there a reason why?”

The Lord said,

“As you traveled in the ocean of life, I followed you all the way through,
Every time you shed a tear, I was there right beside you!
As they rolled over your cheeks, I saw them coming down,
I quickly caught them in my palms, not one did touch the ground.
I knew some were hiding there within the deepest part,
I collected every drop that stood at the depth of your little heart.
Like an oyster enclosing a drop of dew I held each tear with love,
Someday I knew I’d give it to you, when you reach your home above”.

With these words I woke up, realizing it was all a dream.
In all these years I can think of, it was the best vision I had seen!

So, if someone’s out there shedding those precious tears, take courage! My Redeemer is waiting to change it to a ‘String of Pearls’.

Comments for String of Pearls

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Oct 03, 2015
by: sue

I was looking for the answer to my crossword puzzle and more much more than expected.thankyou

Oct 13, 2014
Wonderful words.
by: Amanda Rajoo

What wonderful words ...God knows each one of us so very intimately and he fashions our very own rewards . For all the toils and strife he is there, he sees, he hears, he knows. God Bless You and Thank you from me for a lovely poem.x

Feb 02, 2012
@ Morgan
by: Anonymous

Be Blessed Always!

Feb 01, 2012
by: Morgan

Your poem is beautiful and it touched my heart. Thank you.

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