Take a Stand

by Lanette Kissel
(Evansville, IN U.S.A.)

Dear Father,

Not a worrier, but a warrior let me be.
Let me show my strength in fervent prayers to Thee.
May a cloak of faith be my shield
when I venture upon Satan’s battlefield.

With love for You and for my fellow man,
Let me arm myself to triumph over Satan’s plan.
May I fear not ridicule or reprimand,
But firmly for Jesus take my stand.

Help me to fight temptation,
To take adversity in its stride,
To put on the full armor of God
And to wear it with pride.

Comments for Take a Stand

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Jan 15, 2016
Poetry with a message
by: Colan Hiatt

"Not a worrier, but a warrior." These three verses are packed with basic, solid positions on which we would do well to "Take A Stand!" A great message well written !

Jan 11, 2016
Take a Stand
by: Sam Williams

To take a stand that way is truly glorifying our Lord.Thank you Lanette Kissel. Sam

Jan 03, 2016
Short and Sweet
by: Mark

Thanks Lanette,
What a beautiful poem.
You said so much in a few words.

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