The Bridge

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

Out in the country, where I was reared
On a road that was "dead-end"
My boundaries were, down at the river
Beyond this point, I could not transcend

From those banks I could observe
A road on the other side
It would provide a route to town
But the waters, - this path denied

Separated by this gulf
The old road, was my only choice
Then years later, a bridge was built
Many residents, did rejoice

I present an analogy now to you
My prayer is that you can relate
When I later learned of God's law
I knew my sin, it could not abate

But by God's grace, a bridge was built
When at Calvary the Savior died
I learned that His atoning blood
Could buoy me to the other side

When grace did what the law could not
On the bank, I no longer stand
To that golden city, I can now cross
Because of, - the nail pierced hands

Amazing Grace, is more than a song
It offers to all those who will claim
A bridge over death's river
When we give up this earthly frame

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