The Great Commandment

by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

I see you in a new way now,
A way I’ve never seen you yet,
We’ve never really gotten how
To follow you without regret.
We all thought it was right and wrong,
A game of “yes or no.”
But now I see that all along,
You wanted us to know.
To know that you are not a judge,
A gavel waiting in your hand,
To call us out for any smudge,
Oh God, we didn’t understand.
We know that you are not that judge,
That you would hate to see us fail,
When things go wrong it’s just a nudge,
To put us back onto your trail.
I’m sorry, we just missed the point,
For all these years to date,
We thought that we should just anoint,
And fear and hope it’s not too late.
But God I really get it now,
You sent your Son to die!
I know that you won’t squint your brow
And let us pass you by.
It’s not a test or judgment here,
It’s not just right and wrong,
I’m a Son with a Father near,
Who was with me all along.
Abba – Daddy – now I see,
All that you do above.
Father – Helper, you have me,
With endless Christian love.
And as I understand in whole,
A newfound love I find,
With all my heart, with all my soul,
And Lord with all my mind.

Comments for The Great Commandment

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May 06, 2018
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Alex for sharing your beautiful poem.
May you continue writing in and for HIM!
Mary LoVasco

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