The Love Of Jesus Christ, I came from a cult years ago.

by Samuel Williams

I remember a redhead fiction author,
Proclaimed he could free the soul,what a fairytale offer.
He got famous with his money and lies.
Lost his mind toward the end,his church no longer thieves.

Some people may never know,
the love of Jesus Christ.
With their heart thats cold as steel.
I pray someday they will,
Lord I pray someday they will.

I found good news and put it in my heart.
Jesus changed me from within,giving light where it was dark.
Life’s negative without His love inside.
Chaos causes chaos,Truth makes it run and hide.

God’s reaching to every heart,
the love of Jesus Christ.
When He died on Calvary's hill,
He did His Fathers will,He did His Fathers will.

God gave us life,with a body mind and soul.
We must now take care of it,and know He is in control.
(The) Lord needs many,teaching the truth of Christ.
Share what He’s given you,the wisdom and insight.

Some people may never know,
the love of Jesus Christ.
With their heart thats cold as steel.
I pray someday they will,
Lord I pray someday they will.

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