The Marker

by Colan Hiatt
(Mount Airy, NC)

Driving down the highway
A few miles south of town
Over a hill, around a curve
The grass was charred and brown

A few feet up a bank I saw
A wreath of flowers beside a tree
It was evident- this was a marker
That was placed there in memory

Someone lost a loved one there
Their last journey ended at this spot
Not only was the grave site marked
But this too, - - they have not forgot

We see this more from day-to-day
As the highways we navigate
It’s a gesture that is to be admired
Honoring a friend; family, or mate

But as these facts, I ponder
Another marker comes to my mind
It was placed atop Calvary's hill
The plan of salvation was outlined

Here, God depicted ultimate love
By the giving of His only Son
The Cross is the greatest symbol -
A "marker" that affects everyone

Colan L Hiatt = 02-14-17
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