The Message of Love

by Jim Fryer
(Cincinnati, OH USA)

1 John 3:11-24


Do you ever lose your temper? Do you ever have unresolved anger problems? Do you hold grudges? Do you ever write someone off? Do you ever tell them off? Are you still saved? This message is for all of us to give us the assurance of our personal salvation or to reveal to us our coming short of true salvation.

The basic theological principle is that we who “do” certain things is better translated “practice or habitually.” Let’s go back and ask the questions again only using the better translation.

Now let’s do the same thing with love. Are you difficult to make mad? Do you practice resolving conflicts? Do you let other’s slide when they do something against you? Do you think good of others even when they do things to you? Do you refrain from condemning others? Do you refrain from gossip?

John gives us four things to help us understand the message of love.

I. The message of Love is a SAVING Message. v. 11-16

  1. The message is from the beginning. v. 11

  2. The message began with Cain and Abel. v. 12-13

  3. The message reveals our basis of our salvation. v. 14-16

II. The message of Love is a SERVING Message. v. 17-19

  1. Serving our brothers credits our salvation. v. 17

  2. Serving our brothers assures us of salvation. v. 18-19

III. The message of Love is a SATISFYING Message. v. 20-22

  1. Our heart is satisfied. v. 20-21

  2. Our prayers are answered. v. 22a

  3. Our life is pleasing to our Lord. v. 22b

IV. The message of Love is a SANCTIFYING Message. v. 23-24

  1. Sanctifying message begins with belief. v. 23a

  2. Sanctifying message ends with love. v. 23b

  3. Sanctifying message is a product of Spirit-filled life. v. 24


This would be a good time for each of us to settle our inner most anger issues. Only you can identify them. If you are saved, these issues are the things that stand in your way of being used fully by God. Some where and some time you will have to decide yes or no about your love for God. Do you really love HIM? Prove it!

Comments for The Message of Love

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God's Kind of Love
by: Mark Hollingsworth

Thanks Jim for a great sermon on love. We need God's kind of love, don't we? It sure would help our churches run better and help us reach the lost better as well. Thanks again.

The Message of Love
by: Anonymous

Your message is one of deliverance. I believe all who study and follow the directions you have given will go free to be the minister that their heart desires to be.

by: Pastor John

I'll have to admit I'm a sucker for alliteration, but the message outline is beautiful. I love your organization and the outline is great because it is just enough to give me the exposition and the ideas to add meat from my own study of the passage. Thanks for sharing.

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