The Weight the Nails Could Hold

by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

I tell to you the story that has always been told,
The story that frees us, both young and old,
The story that around the table unfolds,
The story of the weight that the nails could hold,

The nails held the body; that was just the start,
Plus the weight of His weary, ever-sinking heart,
The weight of our sins, always getting higher,
The weight of the hate, which will never retire,

He pulled our weight, because we couldn’t pull our own,
The nails held more than His body alone,
They held hatred, denial, and sin,
All nailed to the Lamb, and spread within,

They held up our lives, and lifted his name,
Scared and in guilt, we know we’re to blame,
The nails held our sin, or so we are told,
We change when we realize the weight they could hold.

Comments for The Weight the Nails Could Hold

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Aug 10, 2014
So good
by: Lanette Kissel

Fellow Indiana poet, I think I like this one even more than your previous poem. So very good. Christ was bearing the weight of the world on the cross that day. And we need to always remember what He went through for us. Another great Easter poem. Loved it.

Feb 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

I love the way you told this truth.


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