There is an Answer

by Douglas Webber
(Chenoa, IL USA)


2 Timothy 3:1

Introduction: In this day and age, it seems that things are getting worse and worse. We are seeing an increase in violence, natural disasters are on the rise, at home we see rising unemployment, foreclosures, bankruptcies and families coming apart.

It seems that we are in a hopeless downward spiral and that there is no way out. It seems that way, but there is hope, there is a bright future to look forward to. There is an answer.

You see, the problems that we are facing in this world are not just the result of politics or greed or the lack of morals in society. There is a deeper reason as to why all of this is occurring. Allow me for a few moments to go into a history lesson.

I want to take you back to the beginning of time. The place: Heaven. The subject: Lucifer. When God created Lucifer, the Bible states that he was very beautiful. In Ezekiel 28:14 he is referred to as an anointed cherub. Lucifer became filled with pride and was not satisfied with his position. He wanted more.

We read in Isaiah 14:12-15 that he rebelled against God and tried to exalt himself over the Almighty. Let me state right now that nothing, no one has ever been nor ever will be greater than God. He is the Omnipotent One. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Almighty Jehovah. There has never been any before Him and He will reign forever and ever.

As a result, Lucifer was cast down along with a third of the angels who had joined him.
Lucifer, also known as Satan, has one objective in mind. He wants to destroy that which God has created. He especially wants to destroy God's most precious creation, mankind.

In the book of Genesis in chapter 3, Satan appears in the Garden of Eden as a serpent. He engages Eve in a conversation about the trees in the garden. When Eve tells him that they are not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil lest they die, he tells her that that is not true.

Remember, Satan is a liar and the father of all lies. (John 8:44) Eve and Adam took Satan at his word and ate the fruit of the tree thus resulting in being separated from God and eventually dying.

In the book of Job, we see Satan's attempt to destroy Job. Thankfully, he was not successful.

Satan wants to destroy each and every one of us. (I Peter 5:8) He will not give up, but take heart, the story is not over.

In the appointed time, over 2000 years ago, God sent His Son Jesus to this earth. He was born of young virgin named Mary and grew up in wisdom and stature in favor of God and Man. While on this Earth, He was obedient to the Father and willingly gave up His life on the cross at Calvary.

The Gospels record that Jesus made 7 statements while on the cross one of the last statements He made was, 'It is finished.' (John 19:30) Let me assure you that He did not make this statement in defeat or despair. Rather, He made this proclamation in triumph.

In dying on the cross and eventually rising again from the dead on the third day, Jesus overcame Death, Hell and the Grave. He defeated Satan once and for all. He is victorious over sickness and diseases of every kind.

He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Deliverer. He is the Lion of Judah who sits exalted at the right hand of the Father and one day soon and very soon He is coming back for those of us who have accepted Him into their hearts.

Let me challenge you with this: you can continue as you are, depending on the present systems and people in this world. Unfortunately, systems and people can and will fail you. You will fail you. The only way to have victory over the situation that you are in is by choosing to give your life over to Jesus.

I am not saying that you will never have any problems, but when you put your trust in God, He will bring you through and out of whatever situation you may be in. More importantly, by asking God to forgive you of your sins and asking Jesus into your heart, you will have eternal life. You will rule and reign with the Eternal King. The choice is yours.

Conclusion: Now that you have received Jesus into your heart, you can have hope.
You can rely on Him, trust in Him and believe fully in Him that He will bring you through and out of whatever situation you may be in. He is your Savior, your Deliverer, your Healer, your provider.

He is your all in all. You are complete in Him. Though things in the world are bleak you can hold to His hand. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Amen.

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