Uncle Jackie's Song

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

Memories of my childhood at home in Panama City Florida.

There’s a song Uncle Jack would sing,
sitting on the front porch in his swing.
Why you could hear him singing a long, long way,
from the tree house where we would play.

And the neighbors gathered round to listen,
while Jackie sung his song.
That Ol’ spirit back then seems to be missen,
When it felt safe at the place,
Where you live and call your home.

Billy Graham, he once came to town,
preaching for all the lost to be found.
If you recall praying in public schools,
We now know it's against the rules.

But God still loves this Ol’ U.S.of A.,
may it always be free,
His hand was on the founders to light the way,
Inspiration was given,
For the whole wide world to see.

There’s a song Uncle Jack would sing,
setting on the front porch in his swing.
Why you could hear him singing a long, long way,
from the tree house where we would play.
He would sing,
There'll be peace in the valley for me someday.
There'll be peace in the valley for me I pray.
No more sorrow and sadness or trouble will be.
There'll be peace in the valley for me.

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