What Shall I Do Then With Jesus?

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Matthew 27:22

1. Judas Betrayed Him (Matt. 26:47-49)

"What will you give me" (26:15) Jesus did not fit the job description of what a messiah ought to be. Judas followed Christ for personal benefit.

2. Peter Denied Him (26:69-75)

"I know not the man" (26:74) Peter was willing to fight but was not ready to die. Peter followed Christ until the price became too high.

3. Pilate Delivered Him (27:26)

"I am innocent of the blood of this just person" (27:24) Pilate would not listen to his conscience or his wife. He delivered Christ to protect his political position.

4. Soldiers Mocked Him (27:29-32)

"Hail King of the Jews" (27:29) They "made" Jesus into a king rather than recognizing he was already a King. They knew about him but did not know him.

5. Herod "Welcomed" Him (Luke 23:8-9)

"He questioned with him in many words" (23:9) Herod was interested in what Jesus might do, rather than who Jesus was. When Jesus would not perform then Herod dismissed him.

6. Disciples Forsook Him (Matthew 26:56)

What would it take for you to forsake Him?

7. Chief Priests and Elders Crucified Him (27:1)

"Crucify Him" Ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus? Behold the blinding force of false religion.

8. Roman Soldier Confessed Him (27:54)

"Truly this was the Son of God" The same events which produced fear in many resulted in faith in some.

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