by Bill
(Forest Grove, Ore)

Are you really playing fair and square with your boy or are you cheating him in any way?

The thought came to us the other day when the mail brought a newspaper clipping from a good friend which we are reprinting for the benifit of fathers who are not acting in the fifty fifty spirit:


I left my dad, his farm, his plow
Because my calf became his cow;
I left my dad-- 'twas wrong, of course
Because my colt became his horse.
I left my dad to sow and reap
Because my lamb became his sheep;
I dropped my hoe and struck my fork
Because my pig became his pork.
The garden truck I haad to grow
Was his to sell and mine to hoe.


With dad an me it's half an half;
The cow I own was once his calf.
No town for myne, I will not bolt,
Because my horse was once his colt.
I'm going to stick right where I am,
Because my sheep was once his lamb.
I'll stay with dad--- he gets my vote
Because my hog was once his shoate.
It's fifty-fifty with dad an me,
A profit sharing company.

That's pretty good isn't it ! If the first verse happens to hit you between the eyes, you are indeed unfortunate; But if the second verse applies in your case, it makes you feel glorious.


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