A Prayer From Hell

by Dennis Michelson
(Novelty, Ohio)

Luke 16:19-31

Hell is a place of continual unanswered prayer.

1. The Rich Man's Prayer is for Our Instruction

a. He lifted up his eyes (16:23)
b. He lifted up his voice (16:24)

(1) He prayed in agony (23)
(2) He prayed earnestly (24)
(3) He prayed too late (22)

2. The Rich Man's Prayer is for Our Correction

a. He prayed to the wrong person (24)
b. He prayed for the wrong deliverer (24)
c. He prayed for the wrong water (24)

3. The Rich Man's Prayer is for Our Admonition

Read Proverbs 1:24-26.

a. He called him son (25)
b. He told him to remember (25)
c. He told him hell is forever (26)

Comments for A Prayer From Hell

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Mar 08, 2012
In Appreciation
by: Cindy Hooper

Thanks Dennis, for this. It is a crucial reminder to seek the Lord in all things and to remember he is Lord of all.

Mar 07, 2012
Great Outline
by: Buddy Maynard

Dr. Michelson,

Lord bless you, brother...this is truly amazing. I just preached this message almost identically at a recent funeral. Many lost were there, and I had much powerful leading of the Holy Spirit in the matter. I even closed with the passage in Proverbs 1 as you have done here.

Hope you and your family are well...and as always, I appreciate you and your continued ministry for the Lord.

Bro. Buddy Maynard

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