A Tribute To Our Lord

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or. America)

The happiest people, don’t necessarily,
have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything they have.

Yes the happiest people ,don’t necessarily
have the best of everything.
They make the best of everything they have.

Oh it seems we work and work to earn a piece of gold,
Than forgetting what God gives us along our way.
God wants us to be happy,being young or being old,
And I believe its time for me to say.

The tragic loss of sight and sound changed a little girl,
But she used the gifts God gives to the soul and mind.
To become a communicator heard around the world,
Helen Keller, she is one of a kind.

OH the happiest people, don’t necessarily,
have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything they have.

Yes the happiest people ,don’t necessarily
have the best of everything.
They make the best of everything they have.

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