Always A Light

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

* Psalms 119:105
We read in Genesis one and three
God proclaimed: "let there be light"
The beginning of the universe
When He distinguished day from night

It was illumination for the Israelites
Maintaining them, in time of danger
Sustained Job, through many trials
Guided shepherds to the manger

One, nineteen in Psalms declares
That light is the guiding force
That alleviates a dark pathway *
As often trials obstruct our coarse

The keeper called for a light
When Paul and Silas were in jail
They were delivered from their peril
An unusual way, to obtain bail

He emphatically declared
I Am, "the light of the world"
In Him, no darkness does abide
Clearly, - this precept is unfurled

Throughout the pages of His Word
We find light, to be a golden thread
That diminishes gloom and dismay
Wherever it's brilliance, - is spread

So often I, recall that glorious day
When Divine light crossed my path
Darkness abolished, from my soul
Now free from condemnation and wrath

To summarize, there is always a light
For those that seek, "they shall find"
Yesterday, and today, He never changes
This truth, His Word, does define

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Jan 22, 2015
A comment
by: Anonymous

What a beautiful poem! I have just finished reading Exodus 12 and following, part of which describes the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. When we follow the Lord, we will never lose sight of His signals. Thank You. Lord, for the directions found in the Word!

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