Be of Good Cheer (Revised)

by Dominic Fede

John 16:33New King James Version (NKJV)
33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you willa have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Context :
• Here we have Jesus speaking in this passage
• Jesus is talking to his disciples here
• It’s A passage where Jesus says to them
• I must go so that the holy Spirit the comforter can come
• And continual my work in you
• The disciples did not understand this
• So Jesus explains what’s going to happen to him
• That he must Die
• Be Raised from the dead
• Go to the Father
• Then the comforter the Holy Spirit will take over His work
• Meanwhile He is going to prepare a Mention for us
• And Receive us when everything is ready

Introduction :

What a beautiful passage we have before us this morning, Jesus is telling us to be of good cheer.

What I would like to share with you this morning is
1. Who is saying these words ?
2. What is Jesus saying ?
3. Who is Jesus saying these words too ?
4. When did Jesus say these words ?
5. Why Jesus said these words ?
6. How to be of good cheer
7. What are some of things that take our good cheer from us
8. If we loose our good cheer how to get it back
9. How do you know you have the good cheer in your life, what is the test

1. Who is saying these words ? “Be of Good Cheer”
a. Only the most powerful person in the world in his time
b. Only the most powerful person in the universe
c. A Person that sustains everything in the universe
d. Visible and the un Visible
e. A Person who is calm
f. A person that can calm down the sea
g. A person that rises people from the dead
h. A Person that can make the blind to see
i. A Person that can make the death hear
j. A Person that can forgive sins
k. A Person that rose People from the dead
l. A Person who is seated on the right side of God
m. A Person who speaks the truth
n. A Person that has overcome the world
o. A Person who has overcome Temptation
p. A Person who has overcome sin
q. A Person who has overcome death
r. Says to you “Be of Good Cheer”

2. What is Jesus saying here ? “Be of Good Cheer”
a. Don’t worry
b. Be happy
c. Trust me
d. I have everything in control
e. Don’t panic
f. Rejoice
g. Be comforted
h. Be encouraged
i. Be cheerful
j. Be Joyous
k. Be blessed
l. Be of good humor
m. Be hopeful
n. Let your mind be at peace
o. I wont let you down
p. Be excited
q. Be satisfied

3. Who is Jesus saying these words too ?
a. To His disciples
b. To the World
c. To us
d. To us Personally
e. To His Generation
f. To the Next Generation 

4. When did Jesus say these words ?
a. Before Jesus died on the cross
b. Before they would be discouraged
c. In a time when they did not understand
d. In a time of shock
e. In a time when Jesus was confident he was going to win the world
f. In a time that he was confident he was going through with Gods will
g. In a time that he new he was going to complete the mission

5. Why did Jesus say these words ?
a. Because he knew the future, what was coming
i. Only God knows your future
ii. The Devil does not know your future
iii. Stop going to people who read your future
iv. And to God that can read your future
b. To prepare them
c. To encourage them
d. To strengthen them
e. So that they would be of good cheer
f. So that they would not be depressed
g. So that Jesus words would be in the back of there mind
i. Jesus says a lot of things to us
ii. So that our minds would be full of His words
h. So that they would not forget Jesus words
i. So that could testify that Jesus what he said would come true
j. To prove that Jesus is not a Liar but the person of the truth
k. So that Jesus could start a discussion amongst themselves.
l. To prompted them to ask questions
i. What a beautiful passage
ii. If Jesus did not talk about these things
iii. And the disciples not ask questions
iv. And If they did not understand
v. We would not know about the Holy Spirit
vi. We know about the Holy Spirit because of Jesus discussions here
vii. What a great time of teaching we have here
viii. What a time in Jesus class room
ix. Where all the disciples are involved in the lesson time
x. Jesus class room is never boring it always interesting
xi. Everyone is engaged in the lesson
m. To make them realize that Jesus would not be with them all the time
n. To introduce them to the Holy Spirit
o. To remind them that there would be hard times that will come
p. So that Disciples can have peace in there life.
i. Peace in the mind
ii. Peace in there heart
q. To Show that only Jesus can give true peace
r. So that they could be happy

6. How to be of good cheer
a. Having a relationship with Jesus
b. Asking Jesus into your life
c. Listing to what Jesus says to you
d. Obeying what Jesus says to you
e. Praying to Jesus
f. Reading your bible
g. Putting into practice what Jesus tells you
h. Do not sin
i. Come to Church
j. Come to bible study
k. Trust in the Lord with all your heart
l. Tell others about Jesus
m. Be contented of what you have
n. Ask forgiveness to Jesus every day
o. When we make Jesus happy
p. When we Praise
q. When we encourage someone else
r. Be around people who talk about the lord all the time
s. Be humble

7. What are some of things that take away our good cheer from us
a. Sin
b. Anger
c. Stubbiness
d. Fighting against another person
e. Money
f. Depression
g. Temptation
h. Our Words
i. Not spending time with Jesus
j. Our Children
k. Pain
l. Doing the wrong thing
m. Being dishonest
n. Listening to the world
o. Looking at the world
p. Watching the news
q. Complaining
r. Never been happy about things
s. Being worried
t. Thinking always about yourself
u. Being greedy
v. Not Praying
w. Not reading your bible
x. Not helping people
y. Not coming to church
z. Forgetting about Jesus
aa. Watching to much Television
bb. Listening to much worldly music
cc. Playing to much computer games
dd. Bad words from the world
ee. Not worshiping Jesus

8. If we loose our good cheer how to get it back ?
a. Come back to Jesus
b. Start praying
c. Start reading your bible
d. Ask forgiveness to God
i. Forgiveness always brings our good cheer back
e. Stop sinning
f. Come back to church
g. Start obeying the Lords will
h. Talk about Jesus
i. Keep praising Jesus
j. Think about Jesus

9. How do you know you have the good cheer in your life, what is the test
a. You always talk about Jesus
b. You love God with all your heart
c. You love People
d. You give things away
e. You have a big smile in your face
f. It’s the way you talk
g. It’s the way you serve
h. You can see it on your face if your happy
i. You can see it in your eyes
j. You can see it in your actions
k. You can see it in your expressions
l. You can see it right now while I’m talking to you
m. In the way you shake my hand
n. In the way you are listening to this sermon

In Conclusion

What I am saying in this passage

1. Be of good Cheer Jesus wants you to be of good Cheer
2. How can you be of good Cheer serving Jesus
3. Stop sinning and follow Jesus
4. If you have lost your Cheer from Jesus
5. Return back to Jesus ask forgiveness
6. And Jesus will give you good cheer if you come back to him

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