
by Tina Nunn
(Fort Worth, Texas, USA)

"Will it be okay?" I ask myself... "should I put my heart upon the shelf?" "Time will tell," I tell myself, "I dare NOT put it on the shelf!"
The days grow dark and darker still, how I wish my heart was made of steel! Loved ones are cold and are quick to betray... cruel intentions meant for my heart to be slain? I wish I knew... but then again, it's all in Gods hands and I have to tend... to the heart of the matter is what will count so don't give into anger and curse and or shout. Just remember the day's coming when all will be told, and pray that they turn from their hearts oh so cold!
God gives me the grace to know it's okay and it comforts my soul and it helps me to stay! I will not give in to this hurt that I feel. Gods love is powerful and mighty to heal! His wondrous love conquers the hurt and the pain. He constantly fills me with His heavenly rain!
Because all my tears are stored in Your bottle... their painful words, there's no need to coddle!

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