Broken Wings

by Ashley Tagoon

She bows her head as tears they fall, Jesus it's me, it's the Father she's called. I try my best and keep loving them too, hurt is their knife as the pain cuts right through. At times they stand tall but not now, not at all, what do I do as I lie my broken wings here for you. Lord I can't fly, my wings are weak you see, will you please fix them as you rest your power on me. I want you to mend them, just your perfect hands, make them strong and unbreakable against the devil and his clan. Cover them with peace, fill them with joy at this time, let them expand and spread out as I make this hard climb. Reaching the top and my broken wings are no more, the Lord healed them and sealed them, watch my beautiful wings soar.

Comments for Broken Wings

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Mar 07, 2016
Broken Wings
by: Anonymous

Your poetry was like a spiritual picture in motion that fills the soul. Jesus is still at work healing all broken parts.Thank you for Sharing Ashley Tagoon. Sam

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