Christmas Made Simple

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Matthew 1:21

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.

Introduction: Have you noticed how complicated things have gotten around Christmas. People are expected to observe certain traditions but no one seems to agree on what they are. Most reluctantly admit that it all has something to do with the birth of Jesus Christ but He usually receives no gifts.

Blood pressures (and even tempers) tend to rise as everyone prepares to celebrate this joyous occasion. Well, I am going to make this very simple. In fact, I will reduce it all down to one verse

1. Promise to a Woman - "she"

This is the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15. Imagine making a specific promise hundreds of years before it actually happens. This has to be a grand conspiracy or predictive prophecy!

2. Perfection of Time - "bring forth"

Galatians 4:4 calls it the fullness of time. Everything was perfect - politics, culture, language, transportation, religion, etc. Again, it is either a monumental conspiracy, sheer luck, or Divine design.

3. Prophecy of a Son - "Son"

Isaiah 7 and 9 accurately predict the arrival of a Son and everything fits together perfectly. Go figure . . . minute details given hundreds of years in advance.

4. Person is Born - "Jesus"

Read Philippians 2 carefully. A child is born but a Son is given. No other name would do and no other name will do.

5. Purpose is Sure - "save"

Read Romans 5:12 down to the end of the chapter. Jesus Christ did not come into the world to make salvation possible - He came into the world to save.

6. People are Chosen - "His people"

See I Peter 2:7. We did not choose Him (initially). He chose us.

7. Problem is Solved - "their sins"

I Corinthians 15:45-57 demonstrates that He did for us what we could never do for ourselves. He solved the sin problem when He made it a Son problem. He that has the Son has life.

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