Cobwebs On The Cross.

by Amanda Rajoo
(Colchester. England)

When I awoke from sleeping,I felt ashamed to say,
I saw the cross of Jesus had cobwebs on today.

Oh my blessed Saviour,hear my humble pleas,
Hear my heart's confession, as I fall down on my knees.

Lord, what are you saying? Let it all be clear.
Come refresh these tired eyes and open ears to hear.

Oh my Blessed Saviour, hear my humble cry.
Let me feel the love that led you to the cross to die.

Child , when you awaken, you will but glance and see,
That in the cobwebs on the cross, you have neglected me.

Oh my Blessed Saviour, forgive this child of fears.
Only you can set me free and wipe away my tears.

Fix your eyes on me child, look upon the grain.
For in the plain and simple things you recognise my pain.

Oh my Blessed Saviour, I am but weak and poor.
Let me gaze upon you, I shall look away no more.

You would not see the cobwebs if it wasn't for the light.
It was the pain I suffered that gave you back your sight.

Oh my Blessed Saviour, how can I love you more.
I can but praise and worship and adore..

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