Do You Care About America

by Brenda Jill Dodds Lantz
(Carpendale, WV, USA)

Do You Care About America
written by BJ Lantz - June 30, 2008

Do you care about American
Do you really Care
Then treat her more gently
As if she were really there

Remember America the beautiful
The country we adore and behold
Treat her with kindness and pride
Let God’s stories naturally unfold

Be only kind and friendly
Stop all the unnaturalness and strife
Only honor and cherish America
And bring her back to life

Please stop all the worldly games
Let God rule your hearts
Set aside all bitterness
Sing only joy as a meadow lark

Let us be busy in God’s things
Only in Him should we trust
Do we love Him like we should
In order to build America back up

God gave us this free land
To enjoy as we should
Don’t take God out of America
Or we will wander in the woods

Our lives will always be dark
No light to shine as day
If we do not love America enough
To let God show us the way

Are you understanding this
Do you have a willing heart
To want to bring her back to life
Like she was at the start

Then repent of all your inner darkness
Get rid of all that isn’t right
Tell God all your troubles
And begin to take on a new route

Show the world your bright side
And always keep it in site
Do all that is good for America
And live a full rich and free life

Tom & Brenda Lantz
Your Assemblies of God Missionaries to Jamaica

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