Giving Him Thanks

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Luke 17:11-19

Introduction: This is a message about the vital importance of giving thanks to the Blesser and not simply for the blessing.

1. The Location (17:11)

This was not the most direct route to Jerusalem. It seems the Lord was looking for lepers - even in Samaria.

2. The Lepers (11:12-13)

There were nine Jews and one Samaritan. They simply cried out for mercy.

3. The Law (17:14)

The Lord simply says "go shew yourselves unto the priests." The only healings the priests ever saw from leprosy were performed at the hand of the one they crucified! Notice He did not heal them first. They had to respond in faith by going and "as they went, they were cleansed."

4. The Lone Loud Voice (17:15-16)

Imagine the discussion as the ten men realized they were healed. It seems the lone Samaritan tried to get them to go back to Christ and thank Him but the Jews were focused on getting to the priest and getting their clean bill of health rather than taking time to return to the One who had given them health.

Some people have more interest in going to church to see what they can get than going to Christ and thanking Him for what they already have.

5. The Lessons (17:17-19)

The rhetorical question asked by the Lord is almost sarcastic. How it must grieve the heart of Him who issues great blessings to unthankful people. Notice the Samaritan is not told to go to the priest but to "go thy way."

Compare Luke 7:50 and Luke 17:19 and it will be clear that this thankful Samaritan not only gained healing for his body but also healing for his soul.

Conclusion: If Christ has cured you of your "spiritual leprosy" then the most natural thing for you to do is fall at His feet and thank Him - each and every day! Not just on Thanksgiving Day.

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