God Is Mightier

by Deborah Ann Belka
(Blaine, WA, USA)

God is mightier than the battle,
that you are facing right now
He is greater than your worst enemy
and your defeat He won't allow.

He is stronger than the burden,
that is weighing you down
He's more powerful than the storm
He will never let you drown.

His light overcomes the darkness,
it shines night or day
His grace is given freely
and lights the righteous way.

His balm is ever soothing,
it will heal your every wound
His touch is transforming
keeping your life to Him attuned.

His presence is refreshing,
like a cool mountain stream
His glory outshines the sun
so His splendor you may gleam.

His sufficiency is abundant,
forever it goes on
His love reaches every heart
through the gift of His Son.

His peace always overrules,
every war or inner conflict
His mercy triumphs over
the pain that other's inflict.

His yoke breaks the bondage,
it frees the chains that bind
His love is like no other . ..
that you will ever find.

Psalm 50:1
King James Version

"The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken,
and called the earth from the rising of the sun
unto the going down thereof."

Copyright 2012
Deborah Ann Belka

Comments for God Is Mightier

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Aug 24, 2012
God is Mightier
by: Anonymous

I really enjoyed your poem. It is so encouraging and we sure all need it in these times. May God bless you.

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