by Jeff Hagan
(Tacoma, WA, USA)

In Psalm 63 David wrote, “God...earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you,... On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help,... I cling to you” (1, 6-8, NIV).

Have you ever really suffered? I mean, have you just been crushed in body, mind and spirit? It's tough. During one of these times of overwhelming pain and grief, while I was a like collapsed pile of blubbering depression, I saw my Bible sitting there close to me. The thought came to me, “You know you should read some Scripture,” but just as fast another thought came to my mind, “God, I don't want to read my Bible! I want this pain taken away. I want for just one day to have things go right and for me to not feel any pain. That's what I want!” You would think I'd be shocked at myself for saying such things, but I wasn't. I had been in this familiar place before. After a little time passed, I had a strong sense that God had heard my honest cries. A type of peace came over me, you know, the type that “transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

Shortly, I found myself thumbing through the Psalms, a great place to look when you're in pain by the way, and I stopped at Psalm 63. King David's own son, Absalom, had betrayed him and threatened his entire kingdom. David's words of anguish resonated with mine. In the middle of deep sorrow, I was reminded that God is never far away. Even with my lack of desire to read His Word, I was still “clinging” to Him. Remembering and sensing God's presence at all times brought me some peace and comfort in that situation.

I have come to realize that God meets us in those “desert places of brokenness – the time of our greatest need” (LaCross, Laurie. “God Is Near,” June 13, 2017). I have discovered, and have to keep rediscovering, that God is more than enough. He is forever by our side. We don't have to feel alone in our pain, God is with us and protects us with His infinite and perfect love.

Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, you are the God of comfort even during those times when we don't feel it. We thank you for that. And we thank you for knowing our needs and hearing our cries as they pour out to you in desperation. Help us in our struggles and in our pain to remember that you are there and to turn to you and to cling to you in all things. Amen.

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