God's Cry

by Stefany Maxwell

I smiled as you entered my mind, I knew you before you were in your mother's womb.
I created you in the image of me, I wanted to have a relationship with you therfore I created you to love me, but I gave you the decision.
I provided free will for you to chose whether to love me or not, even if you chose not to love me, I love you anyway. You're my child, I am your father, you're precious to me.
When I think of you it makes me smile, but I watch as you grow, you hear of me, you learn about me, you know all about me, and yet you deny me, you have a hard time trusting in me.
Child, I am right next to you, why do you run to evil? Why do you turn away from my love? These scars, they aren't for my good, but for you. I shed my innocent blood, for you. So that you would have a way into my kingdom.
Only by my blood can you be forgiven and set free. I am stretching out my arms for you, wont you run to me? Yet, you run to the king of dark, who wants you to die, who steals your joy, brings fear to you. He only wants to kill you.
My child, I want you to live in paradise with me. The paradise I've created for my children. To worship and be with me all of my days. My heart longs for you. Why do you run? I just want to be with you... I want you to spend time with me. My love for you is unconditional, by Grace you have been saved.
Come to me, lay down your burdens, cast your cares upon me, repent of your sins and be washed clean. For I give you life, and hope, and faith. I am the light you seek in the dark. I am the shoulder you seek to cry on. I am the answer to all of your questions. I am everything you need to survive. I've already won your battles.
I love you my child, I love you dearly. Turn to me, please turn to me before it's too late. Run into my arms, come worship and adore me as I adore you my child. You are beautiful to me, you are mine, and I want to be yours. All i want is your time and your love and I want you to trust in me, Believe in me.
Remember only through ME shall you enter the kingdom of Heaven, The time is growing short of this Earth, turn to me before I return, this is the time to cry out for me even more than before. Be on guard, guard your hearts and minds and your spirit. Pray and trust in me, and you shall live with me forever.


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Aug 12, 2013
by: E. Johnson

I loved this piece, keep up the great work.

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