Gods Letters

by Morgan Carlock
(Harrisburg, AR)

I your Lord have given you the power

To defend yourself from evil even in the darkest hour

You must suit up for battle everyday

Wear the armor I have given you and none shall stand in your way

Out Pours MY Spirit on everyone and everything

Soon all will bow at my feet and all tongues will confess I AM KING

Its time to do a mighty work my children while time is still running

Many things to put in order before your Homecoming

All that is mine can truly be yours as well

Put your faith in me and draw from the Holy Spirit like drawing water out of a well

Christ Jesus has made the Way for you to save your soul from Hell

My power is with all my children who are willing to receive

All I ask from you My children is that you believe

My Children when the trumpet sounds you will be called home

All shall be well for those in Heaven gathered by My Throne

For those who are left they will see great destruction

Those who were swayed by the serpent of seduction

Listen Now, Before its too late, I've prepared you a table in My Kingdom, My Holy Estate

All Suffering will be gone every body made new

Time is running out no reason left for doubt

For the hour is near and Jesus is here and all Creation shall praise Him.

As My Word says I will come as a thief in the night

For those of you ready it shall be a perilous sight

For those who deny me the same as Peter

You shall feel My Wrath and see it here

For you have mocked and spit on the face of the Lord

It is for you I came and it was for You I was scorned

My time is Now and creation will know how

I loved them so, before it was wrote

Come to Jesus and give him your heart

He's the one who made it and he's the only one who can make it new

Come to Jesus all ye saints and fall down on your face

Humble Yourself for the One who saved you by His Grace

Come to Jesus let him finish his work he began

He is your Healer, your Deliverer, and your Right Hand

Come to Jesus his arms are wide open, with faith the size of a mustard seed He will shower His Love upon you

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Jun 26, 2012
Great Poem
by: Anonymous

I find that each person, is given a gift to work in this world. A God given gift. I am glad that there are others like me who can write. Except for science which I can understand, writing is the one thing that I can do without thinking. Keep up the good work, and continue to write. This poem is good, I don't know if you have written anything else or not, but keep it up.

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