He Maketh Me

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Psalm 23:2

Introduction: We always hear that God is a gentleman and will not force anything on us. Ask Paul about being mugged on the Damascus Road or confer with King David concerning the text before us. It is interesting to note that the Scripture proclaims that no man comes to the Lord unless the Holy Spirit "draws" him.

In some contexts this means dragging while we kick and scream. In the life of a believer, it can often be said that the Shepherd of the sheep "makes us" lie down even when we are not inclined to do so. Have there been times in your life when the pressures of providence and the crucible of circumstances have forced you into a place you would have never chosen yourself?

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

1. He - The Person

We tend to blame the Devil for many things. Luther was right when he said that Satan is God's Devil and can only do what the Almighty permits. There are three things about the "he" of this text we need to observe.

He is -
Shepherd - leads, feeds and gives heed to the flock.
Savior - He redeemed you and continues saving you
Sovereign - Thy will be done, not my will be done.

2. Makes Me - The Procedure

He accomplishes this in three ways -
By conviction - He reveals our sinfulness
By affliction - He reveals our weakness
By frustration - He reveals our stubbornness

3. To Lie Down - The Position

The reason He does this is so we will -
Be still - God is moving
Be quiet - God is speaking
Be ready - God is preparing to issue His next order

4. In Green Pastures - The Purpose

Erma Bombeck said that the grass is always greener over the septic tank! Since we are inclined to head in that direction then God makes us move in another direction.

These green pastures are -
Purity - a cleaner place ( sanctify )
Provision - an abundant place ( supply )
Protection - a safer place ( security )
Peace - a restful place ( serenity )

Conclusion: Everyone knows the Psalm but God wants us to know the Shepherd!

Comments for He Maketh Me

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Nov 23, 2014
More power to you.
by: Solomon

Thank you for the clarity of Gods plan to the life of His creation.

Oct 31, 2013
He maketh me ??? For what??
by: Delores Wells

He made Adam & Eve. For what? To enjoy His creation. When He maketh me was it not to rest in His accomplished work? He does not make me to do anything but he made me for His good pleasure that I could rest in His finished works. I think we interpret scripture according to the flesh & not in the Spirit of which it is written.

Mar 06, 2011
by: Rebecca Peck

Thank you for this!

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