If I Had Never Known

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

If I had never known pain
I wouldn't appreciate, good health
To have it is, - a great possession
To value more, than material wealth

If I had never known failure
I wouldn't appreciate, success
Perhaps I'd have been complacent
And never strived to aggress

If I had never known disappointment
I wouldn't appreciate victory
That comes at the ending of a battle
The joy of having liberty

If I had never known the fury of a storm
I wouldn't appreciate, a rainbow
And the peace and calm, that it instills
Or the magnitude of splendor it can show

If I had never known loneliness
With all it's gloom and dismay
I wouldn't appreciate, the companion
God has given me, as my bouquet

If I had never known seniority
I wouldn't appreciate, proficiency
That time and tide have taught
And the value of efficiency

If I had never known human weakness
And how fragile, life can be
I wouldn't appreciate, the love of God
And how by grace, I can be free

If I had never known all of these
Where would I be today
So I'm thankful for each of them
All have been an asset along the way

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