by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

I trust we may retain our firm foundation,
I trust we may be known as a Christian nation,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may never see our freedom's truth misled,
I trust we may not see those evil falsehoods spread,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may still see Old Glory wave,
I trust we may always have our freedom saved,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may stand for His true gospel cause,
I trust we may make known His righteous laws,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may be free to witness to His grace,
I trust we may talk to neighbors face to face,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may always bow our heads to pray,
I trust we may meditate on God's lasting way,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may have the Bible never more to part,
I trust we may hide His living Word deep in our heart,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may worship completely as we all please,
I trust we may shout Amen or Hallelujah with ease,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may give God's living Word with ease,
I trust we may preach the gospel not to appease,
In God we still trust.
I trust we may forever stand the Christian test,
I trust America may by God be blessed,
In God we still trust.

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this. (Psalm 37:3-5)

I am proud to be an American, living in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave." And moreover, every time I touch America's currency to proudly be able to read our great motto "In God We Trust."

If I could suggest any changes to this trustworthy motto, it would be to say, "In God We Trust and Obey," for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. It makes one want to burst out in singing that old hymn by the same title, right?

You see, I feel very strongly that God raised up our country, and its leadership for a specific purpose. (Daniel 2:19-23) The purpose is to honor and serve Him and to spread His Gospel to the whole world through our monetary missionary support and our personal witness of His saving grace.

I also feel strongly that we should not only delight in the principles of God but also in the people of God. (Psalm 16:3) So let us all band together to "still trust in God."

Yes, we are a Christian nation from the very foundation of our Republic to our foreseeable future. (Daniel 4:2-3) So, it's not too late, beloved. We can still trust In God. Amen!

Author's Postscript

I feel that as Christians we should strive to be law-abiding citizens. (I Peter 2:13) (I Peter 2:17) However there is one caveat; if the law of one's government violates the revealed will of God, then, of course, the believer must obey God, through he may have to suffer the penalties of the government's law. (Romans 13:1-7) (Titus 3:1-2)

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