Isaiah's Prophecy of the Coming Messiah

by Lanette Kissel
(Evansville, IN U.S.A.)

previously published in Feb. 2011 issue Halo Mag.

The leaders of His generation
would subsidize
the fraudulent bed of lies,
leading to His demise.

He would be bruised
for our iniquity,
for the transgressions
committed by we, not He.

A holy righteous life,
in servitude spent,
Yet they would shed the blood
of this innocent.

A Man who would know suffering,
well acquainted with pain,
His stripes that would heal,
His loss, but our gain.

A Lamb would be led to slaughter,
yet no sound would be heard,
no complaint, revenge, or defiance,
not a single word.

A Man of mercy,
always so loving and forgiving
would be brutally taken
from this land of the living.

Yet there would be an end to His suffering,
and to His strife.
He would see the glory of resurrection,
into the light of new life.

He would pour out His life’s blood,
even unto death,
So that even our deathbed
will not be our last breath.

For just as He would,
we will arise in glory.
What better ending
could there be to HisStory?

Comments for Isaiah's Prophecy of the Coming Messiah

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Nov 19, 2014
Isaiah's Prophecy of the Coming Messiah
by: Colan L. Hiatt

A great message centered around one of my favorite books from the old testament! Lanette, - you extracted a great truth in this composition! Your material is always enjoyed!

Jul 01, 2013
Thanks Chuck
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your kind words, Chuck. Glad you liked the poem.

Jun 22, 2013
Very Good Take On This Scripture
by: Chuck

I enjoyed this very much. What a unique way of putting scripture to poetry.

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