(Jesus is calling) A road I traveled from darkness to light.

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone, Or. America)

God’s leaving it up to us my friend,
to follow His truth or a worldly trend.
Eternity is around the bend
where life will never end.

It’s either going to be heaven they tell
or it’s going to be a living hell.
I pray against old Satan’s spell
that you’ll be safe and well

There’s no way out to the other side,
unless you have Jesus for your guide.
His truth is here, throw away your pride,
for God’s word will provide

The light is on, open up your eyes
look beyond the painted world of lies.
Hear the calls of all the mournful cries
caused by sins unbroken ties

I’ve played the games in Satan’s yard,
till I got beaten broken up and scarred;
Then my whole life turned mean and hard.
I found out there’s no winning card.

But the good Lord opened up His door.
He changed my life right to the core.
Soon I’ll be leaving for that golden shore;
Won't be needed here anymore

I’d like to invite you to come too.
the tickets are free no payment is due.
Be ready before this day is through.
I believe Jesus is Calling You.

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Feb 07, 2023
Jesus is Calling
by: Anonymous

After all these years, the lost sheep is still coming forward to Jesus.

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