by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

I happened to go back in time just to see,
I saw a mirror image of the past in me.
I moved to the future and what did I find?
I found my life of hope to be so sublime.
If only I could return to my yester year,
Back to my uneventful past without fear.
What a happy time that would surely be,
Just to play with all my friends so freely!
Would I find my old home place the same?
Would my old hometown still remain?
Now I can't turn back life’s precious time,
Nor look into the uncertain future of mine.
I can only live today and ask hope for now,
Praying God's love to reach me somehow.

"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things." (I Cor. 13:11)

Do you remember that old adage? The one that states you can't go home again?

So if you could go back in time, what would you see? What, if anything, would you like to change? As for me, I've been there and done that, many times in my living dreams. I was wondering just what I'd find, and hoping that those unpleasant memories would be left out of my recall.

And I'm sure you, as well as I, could bore the general citizenry by relating many weary memories of the past, vivid mental snapshots of surprisingly consequential life experiences.

Well, memories of the past come and go. However, it's really a good characteristic of life that our loving Creator left the future out of our sight.

Given our limited, finite mind, we in all probability just could not cope with such knowledge. Yet, we must not overlook God's plan for our lives. So through the help of God's Holy Spirit, we can look forward to our destiny in life.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," (Jeremiah 29:11).

So let us live for today, maybe remember the past, and hope for the future. Unlike our time line, God's time line is unlimited. (Job 36:23-24)


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